Skip the Box

Your Comprehensive Digital Support Squad

For Service-Based Business Owners in Health and Wellness

Love Monday Mornings Again…

Skip the Box provides project management, build, and launch support to service-based business owners in health and wellness-related fields (including doctors, psychologists, therapists, SLPs, authors, and educators) — who have (or want!) an online presence and additional income streams beyond their one-to-one services.

Providing experienced, detail-oriented, and reliable support, we go beyond taking things off your biz owner To Do list — we make your online projects and goals a reality, getting you out of the time-consuming set up details and tech maze. So you can be in your zone of genius to help your business grow online and make an even greater difference for those you want to help.


Without burning yourself out.


Want to create an online revenue stream? We’ll help you build a plan that makes sense for your business.



We’ll take the plan and build it out, handling all of the tech and set up, and project managing the process so nothing gets missed!



Once things are ready, we’ll get it launched! From foundational marketing to launch week support, we’ll have your back.


It was amazing working with you! I think the biggest result was just that I was able to focus on bigger picture planning and just do the work I do best, knowing that other things were getting done behind the scenes. Getting drafts of emails or projects that all I had to do was look over and sign off on felt SO good!

– Katie Wood, Business Coach for Leaders and Creatives

Ready to get that online project off the ground?

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