Breaking down the whole “write a book” thing into totally doable steps

We’re two business owners (and self-published authors) obsessed with all things books. From operations and behind-the-scenes support to book coaching, editing, and proofreading, we’ve got you covered.
We’ll make this update quick…
We love us some books and helping you get your book out into the world, and we continue to be tickled pink by the name Tracie originally came up with: “Book Your Year.” And — we’ve realized it’s time to take a break from the BYY newsletter and workshops.
No, we’re not falling off the face of the earth.
Yes, we’re still here to help with your book if/when the time comes.
The change? You can find us at our respective businesses rather than through BYY when you need our help:
Robin: https://skipthebox.com/
Tracie: https://www.okayokapi.com/
If you enjoy the weekly love and would like that to continue, please feel free to hang out with us on our respective newsletters:
Robin: https://skipthebox.com/newsletter-social/
Tracie: https://www.okayokapi.com/newsletter
And yes, we still do want to hear about how your book is going. M’kay?
– Robin & Tracie
© Skip the Box LLC and Okay, Okapi™