Book Your Year self-publishing workshop

Wanna publish your book in 2024?

It’s a big project — and it’s totally doable.
So how do you make it happen?

Join operations specialist Robin Massey and book coach and editor Tracie Kendziora for a 60-minute workshop that will give you an easy, step-by-step plan for self-publishing your book.

Without massive amounts of overwhelm. 🤯

This workshop is perfect for anyone who is…

  • Writing a book and thinking “How will I finish this?!”
  • Stuck on where to start with the whole “write and publish a book” thing
  • Struggling to break it down into bite-sized, not intimidating steps (or to even understand the steps!)
  • Panicking about getting everything done
  • Wondering what to focus on when — and how to follow-through

Give us 60 minutes. We’ll give you a month-by-month plan to self-publish your book by the end of 2024.

Watch now!

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Psst. If you’re in for the workshop, you’ll also join our newsletter communities. No obligation to stay — you can unsubscribe anytime. But we gotta be transparent, ya know?

Your Workshop Hosts:

Robin Massey

Robin Massey

Skip the Box LLC

Robin Massey is the Director of Operations and Founder of Skip the Box LLC. With over 15 years of experience in behind-the-scenes support (from tools and systems to running HR teams), she loves helping business owners get out of the details, on top of their workload, and into their zone of genius. Because who wants to live with their hair always on fire? Prep and launch support for books, courses, virtual events, and podcasts are Robin’s jam, and it delights her to help clients get out of the weeds so they can focus on the important things that will increase their impact and revenue.

Tracie Kendziora headshot - white woman wearing white short sleeved shirt with books in background

Tracie Kendziora

Okay Okapi

Tracie Kendziora is a book coach and editor. She works with established and first-time authors and specializes in compelling, voice-driven manuscripts with a sense of humor. (Sarcasm also very welcome!) She has a background in publishing, marketing, and public relations and has ghostwritten for Business Insider, Entrepreneur, and Forbes. She self-published her first book in 2022, and when she’s not reading her clients’ books, she’s reading other books — mostly in the mystery and thriller genres.

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